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I was sad to see John as a bad guy...he's such a good man... |
Let's start with the main boys running away from prison. While resting in the woods, Pete finds that Everett (George Clooney) stole from his cousin. Even though Pete's cousin betrayed the boys, he gets very upset with Everett anyway. The camera zooms in and focuses on these two as they start a yelling match while Delmar continuously offers some cooked gopher to them until gospel-like singing slowly creeps into the audio. Everett hushes Pete as the camera circles around the three convicts and backs away, revealing a flood of church singers dressed in all white, heading towards a river for baptism. The singing grows louder and clearer. The camera moves upwards and behind the boys as they merge with the choir until they reach the river. Here, Delmar and Pete allow themselves to be baptized; both are relieved to have their sins forgiven and are grateful for a "clean slate". Pete and Delmar have gained hope and spiritual relief, which can be interpreted as a form of wealth.
Later on, the boys meet a wandering guitarist named Tommy, and decide to put together a musical "gig" to round up a few bucks from a radio host. The camera makes a sort of long crane-shot and slowly pans downward to Everett and friends drivng up a dusty road and parking in front of a powdered-white shed. The entire exterior of the shed is white, including the roof and door, and the interior is almost equally as pale. This is the very building that the boys record the one song that ends up a huge hit and gets them pardoned from jail time at the end of the film, as well as making them a lot of money (well, that part is implied, anyway). They have gained, at this point, a guarantee of monetary wealth (even though this is unknown to them).
Jumping ahead in O Brother, Everett, Delmar and Pete are traveling down a gravel road when they spot women bathing in a nearby stream. This is where the film has an interesting take on wealth, since the boys begin to lose different forms of wealth. Anyway, the women themselves are wearing mostly white. The boys creep up to them into the stream, and Everett and Pete try to introduce themselves. The women appear to not care as they just keep singing. The camera makes various cuts to each of the boys as a woman seduces each of them; these cuts, added with the women's lulling song, keep up the hypnotizing mood of this scene, and the audience can see the boys falling completely under their spell. Cut to Delmar lying down on a huge, flat rock with his limbs spread out, he wakes up confused and afraid. He sees Everett lying across from him, but there is no Pete; only his clothes remain spread out. Delmar frantically wakes Everett up, and while the two try to figure out what happened to Pete, they find a toad in his shirt. Delmar automatically believes that Pete was turned into a toad and brings the amphibian with him while Everett tries to tell him otherwise as they escape the stream. The boys have lost a friend (presumably) and a sense of hope, while gaining sadness, which can be seen as a negative form of wealth as well.
Everett and Delmar eventually meet Big Dan Teague (John Goodman), who is dressed in mostly white. The two friends chat with him about Bible sales in a mostly white fine restaurant until Big Dan invites them to eat outside with him in order to discuss business venues some more. Cut to the boys picnicking out next to a huge tree while Big Dan stands up, takes off his white jacket--a slight premonition that wealth is about to be lost--and breaks a large branch off the tree. The boys expect that he's going to use this branch for a demonstration, but instead, Big Dan uses it to beat them into the ground and take all their money, killing "Pete" the Toad in the process. It's pretty obvious what Delmar and Everett have lost here: actual money and a friend.
In a few scenes later, Everett runs into his ex-wife and children in a small shop. This is where he
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Yeah, I made a bad pun! So what? You wanna fight?! |
Later on, Delmar and Everett are reunited with Pete, and the three boys stumble upon a KKK gathering, with white robes everywhere. They are performing some ritual for a lynching, and the boys notice that they have their lost friend Tommy in their clutches. The camera cuts from a frightened Tommy that gave up on struggling away from the members who have him to a Color Guard member being dragged into some bushes. The boys emerge from the same bushes dressed as the KKK Color Guard, and proceed to follow the members who are dragging Tommy toward the hanging rope. They catch up to Tommy, and while they are letting him know that they will rescue him, one of the other KKK members stops walking. The camera zooms in on him as he turns around, and he lifts his hood to reveal that he is, in fact, Big Dan. Big Dan calls the boys out and rips their hoods off; the boys are so dirty that in the dim firelight, they look African American. Everyone freaks out as the head of the mob lifts his hood to reveal himself as a politician who appeared toward the middle of the film. This scene creates a very powerful criticism about monetary wealth and the kind of people that the majority of it goes to: scam artists and politicians who end up as horrible people. (Don't worry; the four comrades make it out O.K.)
Jump to the very end of the movie, where Everett is seen wearing a stark white shirt; this is the first time he wears a shirt so bright. He is reunited with his family, is a member of a very successful musical band, and has been given political power. He has gained all kinds of wealth, and the movie seems to end on a more or less happy note.
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